Order the turkey (very important) Order veggies (including brussel sprouts – brussels are not important but no Christmas dinner is complete without brussels) Write Christmas cards (important but too time consuming, must try and keep handwriting legible this year.) Buy Christmas presents (need to understand what toys grandchildren are “in to”. Only toy I understood on last year’s list was Lego.) Christmas pudding and cake (check what make is the best this year. Feel guilty I haven’t made my own but it’s too late now, I’m too busy.) Put up Christmas tree and decorations (must remember to be more careful this year when extricating myself from the loft!)
I’m almost exhausted through just writing the to do list. I’ve already got a headache and a nagging feeling that I’ve forgotten something.
I know I’ve got 5 carol services (at last count) to put together. I know I’ve got 2 Christmas Day services to think about (one involves getting up at 5am for a 6am start. Maybe I can put the turkey on to cook then). Looking at the resource page on the Methodist Church website I can see that the theme for this year’s material is “Hush the noise. Join the love song this Christmas”. It’s about trying to not be so busy with the hustle and bustle created by the to do list. It can create so much “noise” in our lives that the core meaning of Christmas isn’t heard. Oh to be still and have time to just be and rest and share in the joy of new birth. Especially the birth of Jesus and the reason that he came into the world.
The carol, “It came upon the midnight clear” has that line in the third verse, “O hush the noise, ye men of strife, and hear the angels sing!” I’m reminded of carol services from 30+ years ago, when my children looked and sounded like angels as they sang in the school and nativity plays. Oh what times of joy. I still have a nagging doubt that I’ve missed something though. Let’s review the list… Mince pies! I think there might be something else as well though? Oh yes:
God of Mary and Joseph, God of the shepherds God of the baby lying in a manger, God with us, help us to hear your love song this Christmas.
Touch our hearts with the living presence of Christ, fill us with the love and joy and peace which he alone can bring. Whatever faith you have in something or someone, or no faith, humbly I offer this prayer to you; that despite an overwhelming to do list, or experience of life that weighs heavy on your heart, may deep love, joy and peace be yours this Christmas. Amen.
Rev Julie Letts Superintendent Minister The Peak Methodist Circuit