Church News (Click on an image for a larger version.)
Coat of Hopes, August 2024 We were honoured to host the Coat of Hopes in church for the weekend whilst it was travelling around the Hope Valley. The Coat of Hopes is a patchwork, pilgrimage cloak which is travelling the country raising awareness about climate change. Hundreds of people have embroidered patches for the coat over the past three years, to express their prayers, griefs, remembrances and hopes for the planet. We were glad to have the opportunity to display the coat in church for people to see or wear, and a few people added new patches. The coat is now continuing its journey towards the south coast, but whilst it was with us we made our own paper version capturing our own fears and hopes for our world.
Click here for more information on the Coat of Hopes.
Eco Fund reaches £20,000! We're delighted that we have now raised over £20,000 for our Eco Fund, to install insulation and solar panels on the church building. Huge thanks to all those who have given donations, made cakes to sell, supported our fundraising events and helped spread the word. We are hoping to reach £35k by the end of 2024. You can make a donation online via our Dona portal
Peak Wesley Way open for bookings
The Peak Wesley Way is a new pilgrimage route across the Peak District with overnight stays in Methodist chapels- including in Hathersage! The six-day walking route goes from Matlock to Edale with no-frills overnight accommodation in chapels along the way, including camp beds and kitchens/ showers on site. We’re looking forward to welcoming the first pilgrims soon. Visit
Sunday Club In September 2023 we launched a weekly Sunday Club for children aged 2 to 12 taking place during our Sunday morning 10.30am services. We've been having fun together with Bible stories, songs, craft activities and more. (As well as doing the important preparatory work on safeguarding arrangements and training for volunteers.) We've had one or two families join us so far and are looking forward to welcoming more!
Church Hall ceiling insulation now complete We’re delighted to have completed the insulation of our church hall ceiling, ready for the winter. This hall gets a lot of use throughout the year, so the insulation will mean less energy is being used, which is better for our bills and better for the planet! Big thanks to Abbeycliffe builders for their hard work on the insulation. The next steps on our energy efficiency plan are to install new draught-proof external doors, and finish draught-proofing the internal doors.
Hathersage Gala, July 2023
We had a busy time celebrating Hathersage Gala, with the well dressing on the church drive, bunting around the church and a prize for the church's entry for the Scarecrow Competition!
Our Spring Fair was a great success with lots of coffee and chat, bacon butties and baked potatoes, face painting and treasure hunting, stalls and raffle. Over £1000 was raised for church funds, many thanks to all who took part.
During the first few months of 2023 we held our Sunday services in the church Hall rather than the church building. The hall is much easier to heat than the church, and stays warmer for longer, so it was a way for us to reduce energy usage during the colder months. It was also an opportunity to try some different formats for our services, and turned out to be a very positive experience. To mark the end of our time in the hall we had a 'Bring and Share' lunch together on Palm Sunday.
70th anniversary of the church hall Tocelebrate the 70th anniversary of the church hall we held a Tea and Cakes afternoon. This was also the start of our fund raising project to improve the energy efficiency of the building so that it is more sustainable in the future.
Links with Cliff College A working party in the church grounds and after a morning service led by Tom Donoghue and some of the students.
Harvest Festival For our harvest we welcomed our friends from the parish church and the junior school choir. Harvest gifts were taken to the local food bank with the fresh produce being used by the luncheon centre. Everyone enjoyed coffee and cake after the service.
Jubilee parade.
Repair Café and Christian Aid Breakfast
The Repair Café on Saturday was extremely well supported with yet another eclectic mix of items brought in for some expert advice and expertise, while others were happy just to catch up over a bacon or sausage butty and a welcome cup of tea or coffee. We are delighted that almost £600 was raised on behalf of Christian Aid in support of their work, particularly in Ukraine and Zimbabwe.
Solidarity and prayer for Ukraine We have been saddened and stunned by the situation in Ukraine and are responding in prayer, practical support and acts of solidarity. For the last few months we have had a prayer for Ukraine on our notice board and invited people passing by the church to tie a ribbon to the cross symbolise their own prayer. For Orthodox Easter on 24 April we opened up the church for 'Togetherness with Ukraine', an afternoon of reflection and solidarity , with music, readings and times of silence.